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Clean Water

Rain water collection system

Access to clean water is a fundamental human right, yet millions of people worldwide lack this basic necessity. With your support, we aim to implement sustainable solutions to provide clean and safe water sources for communities in need.
By means of clean water, we can give safe life to a lot of pepole. donate now

Home for homeess

Everyone deserves a place to call home. Through our charity efforts, we aspire to provide shelter and support to those experiencing homeessness, offering them a chance to rebuild their lives with dignity and security.
Luke 14:13-14

Your contribution, no matter how big or small, can make a significant difference in the lives of countless individuals and families. donate now


Education is the key to everything that is good in our world today. Our Goal is to support the orphaned and impoverished children receive quality education, enjoy their rights, develop life skills and fight child poverty. You are welcome to be part of this change today, lets do more good!
We are fundraising for 2,000 USD land and costraction of a school buliding for both poor and street children. donate now

Hunger And Proverty

The worst poverty isn’t about not having enough money to survive. Real poverty is when there is no one in the world who loves you. When there is no other human to make you feel like you matter. As if you aren’t worth the air you breathe. Poverty of love is the worst thing you can be deprived of. One of the greatest feelings in the world is knowing that we as individuals can make a difference. Ending hunger in Uganda is a goal that is literally within our grasp.
Luke 3:11

We are fundraising for 800 USD so as to afford food for 43 vulnerable families in our project areas. For 50 USD you will help a family of 4 to access 25kgs of maize flour and 10kgs of beans, this food is anticipated to last a whole month. donate now

Change Their World. Change Yours. This changes everything.